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Чит коды на Total Annihilation: Kingdoms (PC). Чит коды на Total Annihilation: Kingdoms (PC) Total annihilation описание юнитов чит коды

Choose single and bring up the mode selection screen. Type in ""drdeath "" and a Cavedog Entertainment bone symbol will appear in between ""Load Game"" and ""Previous Menu"". Click it, and you will be able to select any level in either the Arm or Core campaign.

  • Cheat Codes

    In skirmish or multiplayer enter the following codes,

    Effect Code
    All trees killed off +treedeath
    All units sing when selected. +sing
    An in-game clock recording your play time. +clock
    Control skirmish A.I. +control
    Decrease energy. +noenergy
    Decrease metal. +nometal
    Full health +dr
    infinite radar coverage. +zipper
    Kill all enemy units +combustion
    Kill all units. +kill
    Lose instantly +ilose
    makes a large BMP format image of the screen. +makeposter
    Replace gray line of sight with dithering +dither
    Start CD music +cdstart
    Stop CD music +cdstop
    Toggle 3D sound +sound3d
    Toggle object shadowing +shadow
    Trace units/buildings in the order they were built. +bigbrother
    Win instantly +iwin
  • Codes to be used in Skirmish Mode

    These codes can be used in Skirmish Mode, or if cheats are enabled, in Multiplayer mode;

    Press "enter" to bring up the chat box. Then type the following for the given effect.

    Atm - this boosts your metal and energy each by 1000 units.

    Nowisee - this disables the Fog of War, letting you see everything.

    Meteor - a meteor shower occurs at a random place on the map.

    Doubleshot - all weapons do double damage.

    Halfshot - all shots do half the damage.

    Ilose - causes you to lose.

    Iwin - causes you to win

    The following codes are not cheats, but are useful in the game, and are activated in the same way. They can be used in multiplayer whether cheats are enabled or not.

    Shareall - in multiplayer games, this shares energy, radar, metal, and map info with all your allies.

    Shootall - if units equiped with weapons see an enemy unit, and they are set to fire at will, they will automatically fire at it, no matter what kind of unit it is.

    Noshake - stops the screen from shaking when something is killed.

    Bps - shows the transfer rate in a multiplayer game.

    In a Skirmish battle, if you want to play against up to 10 AI controlled opponents, type in "*" (asterisk) at the screen where you select options for the battle, and then the Roman Numeral of the number of players you wish to play against. e.g., if you wished to play against 10 computer controlled opponents, you would type "*," then type "x."

  • Singing Units

    In Multi-Player or Skirmish modes, you can press ENTER then ""+sing"" and your units will sing instead of making sound effects!

  • Unlimited Radar Range

    Type ""+radar"" to see the whole map on your radar in multi-player and skirmish modes.

  • View other players energy and metals

    To see other players energy and metals(only in multiplayer and skirmish) hit enter and type in the code below and press enter. you should see your other players energy and metal levels where yours should be!(the (0-3) thing is to show which other players to present. and to get yours back type the code again and use 0 for the number.)

    Effect Code
    see other players energy and metal levels view (0-3)
  • Во время игры намите , затем [+], затем: ATM - 1000 единиц металла и энергии DITHER - эксперименты с линией видимости DOUBLESHOT - двукратное усиление любого оружия NOWISEE - открытие всей карты и отключение fog of war RADAR - pадаp охватывает всю территорию SING - роботы перестают скрипеть в ответ на ваши команды CONTROL x - меняем сторонами в Skirmish,х - номеp игpока(0-3) CDPLAY - то же что и +CDSTART. (bit quicker) CDSTART - включает CD Music. CDSTOP - выключает Stops CD Music. CONTROL # - вонтроль AI, # = 0-3. HALFSHOT - все оружия теряют свою силу ровно наполовину. KILL - убивает все юниты (включая Ваши) LOS - тоже что и +NOWISEE. ILOSE - проиграть IWIN - выиграть COMBUSTION - убить всех врагов FOGCOLOR 1-256 - сменить цвет тумана INFRARED - туман войны вкл./выкл. LOTSABLOOD - много крови LUSHEE - увеличение лимита ресурсов METEOR - случайный метеоритный дождь NANOLATHING - Nanolathing и Metal Using удваивается NOENERGY - нет энергии NOMETAL - нет метала SHARERADAR - передать информацию с радара SHOOTALL - юнит атакует всех юнитов врага TILT - максимальное кол-во людей и метала VIEW # - посмотреть ресурсы игрока, #=0 до 4 ZIPPER - быстрая постройка зданий В меню когда нажать кнопку сигнал ввести DRDEATH, и появится кость, между prevouns menu и load game, жми на нее:) CONTOUR# - показать контуры роботов # NOWISEE - показать всю карту. CLOCK - указатель времени.

    Play a skirmish when you get to the player screen example: Player arm 1000 1000, computer core 1000 1000 in between player and arm is an ally symbol like. Now pick 3 players now click the ally symbol. Make sure you have the same as the one as the computer if not you will be destroyed in battle. Note: You can"t ally with 3 or the computer will say you can"t ally with 3 ok now what you do is find the one or the last player possible and make sure he"s got a different ally symbol from yours and your teammate. When you and your teammate have allyed by having the same symbol and the enemy has a different one, your ready to play any level. But before you do you have to know whose who. Ok here"s what I do: Pick a color for my commander like RED and my team mate BLUE and the enemy BLACK. Now when I play look at the radar to see the color. Find the blue team then go to him and you now have allieed notice a few things: 1: You can repair his units and he can repiar yours 2: Your teammate will NOT fire on you 3: You can help your team mate build things fast 4: Make sure you build as well as his units are not very much so help him by building defenses the more you and he builds the better and armoured your bease is trust me ive allyed with 3 against 1 and guess what happened we won id rate total annihilation 9/10 Rename Selected Units: To rename any unit, press ENTER while playing, then type +rename X, where X is the name of the unit you wish to rename. Use Multiple Dragons: How to play with multiple dragons. You must play as Aramon. Use the Monarch to kill another sides build unit such as a shamen then resurect him from the dead and use him to build that sides dragon. Possible to have all four dragons. Only tried this in skirmish mode Campaign mode mission select: Click on the "Single Player" icon. Type drdeath at the single player game screen. A Cavedog Entertainment bone symbol will appear between the "Load Game" and "Previous Menu" icons on the right side of the screen. Click on the bone will to enter the mission select screen. Ten player skirmish: Type X at the opponent/ally selection screen. To specify another number of players substitute "X" with a roman numeral from 3 to 10. For example, III will result in a three player skirmish. Cheat mode: Begin a game in skirmish or multiplayer mode. Press to display the message box. Press and enter one of the following codes. Press to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enter the code again to de-activate. Effect Code 1000 metal and energy - atm Units say different things when moved - bigbrother Show the data transfer in multi - player bps Start CD music - cdstart In-game clock - clock Kill all other players" units - combustion Display a 3D contour type - contour<1-15> Control a different skirmish AI - control Dithering instead of line of sight - dither All weapons do twice damage - doubleshot All weapons do half damage - halfshot Units honk when stopping - honk Instant loss - ilose Toggle fog of war - infrared Instant win - iwin Kills specified player - kill<0-4> Hide shaded object; all buildings dark - light Change color - logo Limited resource increase - lushee Screen shot of map in .BMP format - makeposter Dark screen - mapping Random meteor shower - meteor Nanolathing and metal using doubled - nanolathing No energy - noenergy No metal - nometal No screen shaking during explosion - noshake Full map; disable line of sight - nowisee 100% radar coverage - radar Reload AI - reloadaiprofiles Toggle chat text in multi-player - screenchat Toggle radar mini-map - seti Toggle sound effects - sfx Share radar information - sharemapping Share radar information - shareradar Units target all enemies - shootall Hold to show range of pointed unit - showranges Units sing when given orders - sing Press number keys to change squads - switchalt Maximum men and material - tilt View selected players metal and energy - view Faster unit building - zipper Choose your fogcolor, 1 to 256 - fogcolor 1-256 More blood - lotsablood Exit to Windows - quit Toggle fog with 3d Video Cards - rollingfog

    Вы находитесь на странице игры Total Annihilation: Kingdoms, созданной в жанре Strategy, где можно найти много полезной информации. Игра выпущена студией Cavedog Entertainment. Найденное у нас прохождение игры Total Annihilation: Kingdoms поможет быстрее решить внутриигровые проблемы и получить подсказки по сложным моментам. Также к игре Total Annihilation: Kingdoms коды и читы просто необходимы каждому, кто любит получать бесплатные бонусы.

    Игру Total Annihilation: Kingdoms в России локализовала компания Акелла, но это не отменяет необходимости русификатора, ведь иногда ошибки проявляют себя по ходу игры, а оригинальная версия всегда лучше переделанной. Да и прохождение на родном языке приятнее. Вы будете играть в одиночку, проходя каждый этап без чьей-либо помощи.

    Рецензии и отзывы читателей помогут вам понять, стоит ли игра вашего времени. Учитывая, что игра вышла 1999-06-01, можно сказать, что она относится к разряду классики.

    Помимо общих данных, вам могут понадобиться разнообразные файлы. Используйте дополнения, когда устали от основного сюжета – они существенно расширят стандартные возможности. Моды и патчи помогут разнообразить и исправить игровой процесс. Скачать их вы сможете в нашем хранилище файлов.

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